Stanfield Technical High Website - Change of editor - 6th January 2005


In September 2001 Derek Johnson took the first tentative step towards establishing this memorabilia website. Like many engineering creations it developed in a "middle out" fashion by starting with the first scan of the 1961 panoramic school picture . From such acorns do mighty oaks grow. After much hard work by Derek the site has now reached a maturity that charts a long school history of which most pupils were unaware.

Looking at other schools' memorabilia web sites one cannot fail to be impressed by the richness of the facilities Derek has created. In particular the panoramic picture name search facility is impressive both for users and the cognescenti of web page design. It was instrumental in focusing minds for the successful 70th Anniversary reunion of 2002.

Derek has decided that he no longer has the spare time to maintain the web site fully. With a deja vu of Sixth Form society committees a new hand (1959-1966) will be taking over the role of technical/editorial care and maintenance. Put more lyrically; one of the site's godparents has been assigned locum parentis.

No changes to Derek's house style are planned but it is hoped to continue to expand. There is already some material to be sifted for inclusion. It is anticipated that the picture names particularly can be brought up to date in the near future.

Apologies are made in advance for the frozen site visitor counter. The latter will be remedied as soon as possible.

Given the technical advances in internet delivery it is desirable to update some pictures to a higher definition. If anyone has contributed a low resolution scan previously then please contact the Webmaster if you can supply either a new scan or original material for loan.