1962 Upper VI Class Photo

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    Part of Stanfields Upper VI taken on the steps in front of the hall.

    (See a 2002 Reunion recreation of this picture)
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    Row 5 (Top Row):
    John Hampton, Kenneth Smith, Wilf Deakin, Michael Shingler, Barry Cooper
    Row 4:
    Geoff Biddulph, Phil Thompson, Des Wilshaw, Alan Bagnall
    Row 3:
    Richard Reed, David Ferneyhough, Rex Leverett
    Row 2:
    Bob Brown, Ernie Tranter, Geoff Powell
    Row 1:
    Jim Hancock
    Barry Cooper = "Baz"
    Kenneth Smith = "Murphy"
    Alan Bagnall = "Baggy"
    Trevor Wickstead (?) = "Wick"
    Dan Ferneyhough = "Ferny"
    Jim Hancock = "Hank"
    Bob Brown = "Bopper"
    Geoff Powell = "Lol"

    Thanks to Jim Hancock for these pictures.

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